Gravenhurst Real Estate Statistics
Gravenhurst Real Estate Price Trend
Gravenhurst real estate average sold price in the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20) was $512,060, which is $255,082 (49.8%) lower than the average price of $767,142 in the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20), and $37,940 (7.4%) down from the same period 1 year ago ($550,000). Gravenhurst real estate prices over the last 30 days are also $311,592 (60.9%) lower than the average selling price of $823,652 over the past year.
Gravenhurst average sold price for homes was $524,571 in the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20), which is $242,571 (46.2%) down from the average home price of $767,142 in the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20), and $25,429 (4.8%) lower than the same period 1 year ago ($550,000). In the last 30 days Gravenhurst the average home price was $298,264 (56.9%) lower than the average selling price of $822,835 over the last 12 months.
Sold Price Above/Below Asking ($)
Average selling price for Gravenhurst real estate was $512,060 in the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20), which is collectively $21,671 (2.4%) lower than the average asking price of $918,945. This represents an increase of $15,729 (42.1%) compared to $37,400 (4.2%) Sold-Under-Asking price from the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20).
The maximum Sold Over/Under Asking ratio in Gravenhurst during the last 12 months was recorded in February, 2024 with an average of $16,600 under the asking price, while the minimum occurring in April, 2024 with $86,130 below the asking price.
Sales to New Listings Ratio
Sales to New Listings Ratio (SNLR) represents the number of sales in relation to new inventory listed over a period of time. SNLR for all property types in Gravenhurst was 189.7% with 148 properties sold and 14 new properties listed in the past 30 days (November 21 - December 20). This represents an increase from 50.0% recorded during the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20), and an increase from 14.3% compared to the same period one year ago.
Over the the last year the highest SNLR in Gravenhurst was 75.0% recorded in January and the lowest was in November at 9.7%. SNLR of under 40% generally represents the Buyers' Market, while 60% and above - the Sellers' Market, with 40% to 60% range signaling a balanced market.
Average Days on Market when Sold vs Delisted
The Average Days on the Market (DOM) for 148 properties that were successfully sold in Gravenhurst in the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20) was 51 days, which is 9 days less than 60 days average in the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20) and 7 days shorter than during the same period a year ago (58 days).
There were 198 delisted properties in Gravenhurst, those that got either Expired, Suspended or Terminated over the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20) with an average of 124 days on the market. This is 25 days longer than the average of 99 days during the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20) and 33 days more compared to the same period last year average of 91 days on the market.
198 Gravenhurst properties that didn't sell stayed on the market 143.1% longer than 148 that sucessfully sold over the last 30 days - 51 days when sold vs 124 days when delisted respectively.
Average Days on the Market in Gravenhurst over the past 12 months for properties that have sold was 44.3 days, with 84.6 days for those properties that did not sell.
New Real Estate Listings vs Sold/Delisted
78 new properties were listed on the market in Gravenhurst in the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20). During the same time 148 properties were sold and 198 listings were removed from the market (Expired, Suspended or Terminated), which represents a decrease in total inventory by 268 properties (or 343.6%).
During the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20) there were 14 new properties listed, 7 sold and 31 properties that did not sell and were removed from the market.
Over the past year the busiest month for new listings was November with 72 new properties listed, the slowest - January with 4 new listings and a yearly average of 27 new listings per month.
New Real Estate Listings by Property Type
There were a total of 60 homes listed during the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20), which is 76.9% of all properties listed in Gravenhurst. This is a 400.0% increase compared with a previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20) and 1,100.0% up from the same period a year ago. Over the past year an average of 22 homes are were listed per month.
11 townhomes were listed over the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20) in Gravenhurst, which is 14.1% of all new real estate inventory. This is a 450.0% more than during the previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20) and 1,000.0% increase compared to the same period a year ago. During the last year the average number of townhomes listed stood at 2 a month.
Real Estate Sales by Property Type
There were a total of 140 homes sold during the last 30 days (November 21 - December 20), which is 94.6% of all properties sold in Gravenhurst. This is a 1,900.0% increase compared with a previous 30 day period (October 22 - November 20) and 13,900.0% up from the same period a year ago. Over the past year an average of 7 homes are were sold per month.